Schwarzer Herrgott

Prime location with history
The renowned Schwarzer Herrgott location is completely south-facing - a rarity in the Palatinate - and is located at up to 250 meters (NHN).
Located under the protection of Donnersberg, this vineyard benefits from its massive limestone soils and southern exposure. He is one of the best in the Palatinate.
At the usual wine auctions around 1900, Rieslings and Gewürztraminer from Schwarzer Herrgott, who owes its name to a weathered road cross from the 8th century, regularly won the highest prices in the “Unterhaardt”.
The Hotel Adlon Berlin regularly ordered Schwarzer Herrgott in the golden 1920s. The cruise ships on the Hamburg-America line were supplied with Schwarzer Herrgott between 1922 and 1938.

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Caro Maurer
Generalanzeiger Bonn, Februar 2023
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