10 years of Fair'n Green - 007 with a mission

As a founding member of Fair and Green e.V., it was a matter of course for us to attend the 10-year celebration in Berlin in mid-November.
Together with other committed winemakers, Axel Neiß founded the association in 2013 with the idea of transferring sustainability to the wine industry and developing a system for agriculture that takes into account all socially relevant issues in addition to plant and environmental protection. We like our membership number 007 and we still take our “mission for nature” very seriously today. The idea from back then works — even internationally. The group has now grown to more than 150 members from 10 countries — and the trend is still rising.
In addition to the founding members, many personalities from the wine industry from politics, science and society were also invited. Former Minister of the Environment Peter Altmeier, Winegrowing President Klaus Schneider and Bundestag member Isabel Mackensen-Geis (SPD) personally congratulated them on the anniversary. As part of the anniversary, various panel discussions and lectures took place.
Axel Neiß summarizes his motivation in the following words:”Sustainable business has been at the top of our agenda for a long time. We switched to certified, environmentally friendly viticulture back in the 90s. The motivation for co-founding FAIR'N GREEN was that, in contrast to others, this concept examines and examines the entire value chain for sustainability aspects — responsibility for people, nature and climate. ” The first companies from upstream and downstream areas of the wine value chain, such as label printing or wine retailers, have now also been certified as Certified Partners. That makes us happy and motivates us.
This evening in the historic Clärchens Ballhaus was about honoring what has already been achieved and exchanging ideas with the industry. Back home, it is still about improving sustainability ecologically, economically, socially and socially as part of our Fair and Green four-pillar model. We cultivate the entire vineyard area of 47 hectares under these aspects and with a lot of manual work. We are convinced that every individual can make a small difference with their work. Even as end users: Consumers recognize the wines produced in this way thanks to the recognizable seal on the bottle and can consciously opt for sustainable products.

The time has come: Harvest start 2024