Ready for ProWein

Our team is finally looking forward to “normal” ProWein again this year without restrictions in Düsseldorf.
Three intensive days during which we present our innovations to international trade fair visitors, maintain personal contacts, get to know new people — and even taste a few things with colleagues ourselves.
The countdown is on and the preparations are almost complete. ProWein can start and visitors can visit us at our stand (Hall 4 A49) can look forward to some special features: For the first time, there is the opportunity to taste the two top Rieslings side by side as part of a ProWein: Kindenheimer Burgweg and Zeller Schwarzer Herrgott, which was only launched in November 2022. “Both premium layered rieslings form a congenial dual peak. They are delicious North Palatinate with our signature and yet are clearly distinguishable from one another, even though they are just five kilometers apart as the crow flies,” Axel Neiss describes the two wines. It is also exciting to taste two strictly limited edition wines from Neiss, which are also taking part at ProWein for the first time: The 2018er Schlossberg Chardonnay Reserve And the 2022 Vogelsang selection — Wines with a clear focus on gastronomic uses.
In addition, three wines will expand our range in the future and can also be tasted for the first time at ProWein:
Bockenheim Sauvignon Blanc
Fresh and aromatic with typical Neiß' minerality and length.
Sonnenberg Riesling Cabinet
With this cabinet, we are fulfilling a wish for ourselves and numerous customers. A light, invigorating, juicy wine that shows off its strength and tremendous pull in the mouth.
Schlossberg Grauburgunder Fume unfiltered
A natural wine through and through that is exciting not only for orange wine fans. The complex Pinot Gris Fumé shows the potential of this grape variety.
The high relevance that the topics of the environment and sustainability have at our winery is also reflected in the joint stand with Fair'n Green. This year, we are once again presenting ourselves together with Fair'n Green at a large stand in Hall 4 A94.
If you are a trade visitor at the trade fair, we look forward to your visit! You are welcome to make an appointment in advance with: s.wandt@weingut-neiss.de

New year, new trade fairs