SAVE THE DATE: vintage presentation with guest winemaker

Vintage presentation on June 29, 2024
The date is set! Our vintage presentation this year will take place on June 29, 2024 of 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Under the motto “Have a NEISS day”, we welcome you to our winery this year to present the latest wines.
We have a very special guest winemaker at our side - Weingut Wagner-Stempel. Daniel and Cathrin from the Siefersheim winery in Rheinhessen come to Kindenheim to give you and us an insight into their wines as well. Daniel has been responsible for the winery's wines since the early 90s, focusing primarily on Silvaner, Weissburgunder and Riesling. Quality and sustainability also play a fundamental role for him.
We love the wines, and Daniel and Cathrin in particular, and would like to share our enthusiasm with you. But we also have another special connection to the Wagner-Stempel winery. Our eldest son Max began his dual studies in viticulture and oenology at the Neustadt an der Weinstraße wine campus last August. He is currently completing his practical phase with Wagners and is really enjoying it. We are delighted that with Max, the next generation is enthusiastic about our work and is also choosing a path into the wine industry.
So please save June 29, 2024, we will let you know as soon as you can register for the event and are already looking forward to spending a wonderful afternoon with you.
Katja and Axel Neiß

The time has come: Harvest start 2024