Summer-sun-harvest weather?

With bright sunshine and pleasant summer temperatures, we were able to start the 2023 harvest wearing a T-shirt. The grape harvest is the moment we look forward to all year round. This shows whether careful care and meticulous work in the vineyard, combined with the influences of nature and weather, pays off.
It was exciting until the very end of this year. Due to the wet weather in previous weeks, there was a risk of rot, but at the same time it was important to wait to have sufficient ripeness in the grapes. It was therefore a challenge to determine the right time to read. During this period, we visited our vineyards several times a day and checked the grapes. Cooling westerly winds blowing through our exposed vineyards ensured an even distribution of humidity and heat and prevented unwanted moisture collections. And also our extra dose of manual work in advance, such as When dividing grapes in July, paid off. Our grapes were able to develop healthily right up to the end.
So we and our team started on Thursday, September 7, traditionally with the Frühburgunder at our Vogelsang location. Perfectly ripened grapes awaited us — a dream start that set us in the right mood for the next 4 busy weeks. Thanks to the stable, dry weather conditions, we were able to gradually harvest our vineyards at the optimal time of ripening. Fortunately, the hail that struck some fellow winemakers just a few kilometers away spared our vineyards almost completely.
Situation by location, it continued day by day. We harvested a large part of our grapes by hand with our experienced, experienced team and the active support of friends and family and were able to select the best grapes directly. During further processing, every step was carried out with care and precision in order to gently process the grapes and capture their aromas in the best possible way.
Thanks to the consistently good atmosphere and trusting, long-standing cooperation of our team — and the traditional team grilling with the boss at the grill — we were fully committed to the job right up to the end. All grapes have now landed well in the cellar. Now it's time to wait and let time work for us. It will take a while until we have the 2023 wines in our glass. However, we are very optimistic about the coming months and expect mineral wines with a lot of power and elegance, especially at the top of the range.

The time has come: Harvest start 2024